Jons blog on back pain gets published by international website

One of Jons blogs on back pain was picked up and published by an international website so we thought we would share it with you. Back pain affects over 80% of people so it is no surprise it is one of the most common things we see in clinic. You can see the published article […]

Our five best exercises to get a flat stomach without hurting your back

  Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want a flat tummy! They look great. Plus having a strong core is fantastic to help prevent or cure lower back pain. However, so many people create back pain in trying to achieve the allusive ‘six pack’. Sadly the sit up involves a lot of flexion of the spine […]

Lower Back Pain-Blame Your Butt!

LOWER BACK PAIN “The back hurts but it’s the butts fault”!   I recently read an article in The Daily Mail that suspects nearly half of the adult population in the UK are living with chronic pain – lower back pain is one of the biggest causes.   Anyone who has been to visit us in the clinic with lower back pain may have heard us use the expression […]

Jons blog on back pain gets published by international website

One of Jons blogs on back pain was picked up and published by an international website so we thought we would share it with you. Back pain affects over 80% of people so it is no surprise it is one of the most common things we see in clinic. You can see the published article […]