8 Simple Tests To Check Your Health and Fitness
It is always nice to be able to have an objective measure of how fit and healthy we are. So I was really interested to catch this blog (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-eight-simple-fitness-tests-we-should-all-be-doing-every-month-d3jsc62b3) which identifies eight simple tests we can complete to check our current state of fitness. I liked the article, so wanted to share with you. […]
The 5 most annoying gym users (and some of the ones we love!)
We all like the gym, after all what a great place! A place where we all go to be fitter and stronger. Somewhere we can unite with a shared goal of being a better version of us… However, there a few types of people who can make it a slightly less pleasurable place, so we […]